Breakout Session Description

MHSRS 2022 Focus Area
Warfighter Medical Readiness
Breakout Session Topic Area Session Description
Mitigating Bloodborne Infection Risk in Large Scale Combat Operations Infectious Disease Prevention Abstracts should address: (1) What can be learned from animal models about mitigating risks to the blood supply from bloodborne pathogens, (2) What passive immunizations strategies can address bloodborne infection risk in Large Scale Combat Operations, and (3) Innovations in vaccine development for HIV and other bloodborne pathogens.
Development of New Front Line Therapies to Prevent & Treat Endemic Viral Diseases

(Non-SARS CoV-2)
Infectious Disease Prevention Abstracts should address: (1) Vaccine platforms to prevent viral diseases, (2) New treatment approaches for viral diseases, and (3) Mitigation strategies to prevent spread /exposure to viral diseases.
Clinical Studies/Epidemiology
Infectious Disease Prevention and Treatment Abstracts should address on-going research related to the following research areas for SARS CoV-2: Clinical Studies and Epidemiology
Therapeutics and Diagnostics
Infectious Disease Prevention and Treatment Abstracts should address on-going research related to the following research areas for SARS CoV-2: Therapeutics and Diagnostics.
Injury Biomechanics and Prevention for Military Applications Injury Prevention Abstracts should address: (1) Injury biomechanics and tolerances for military personnel protective equipment (e.g., helmet and body armor), (2) Injury biomechanics and tolerances of the spine during rotary wing crash and fixed wing ejection events, and (3) injury biomechanics and the physiological effects of Head Supported Mass.
Below Zero Medicine Research Occupational and Environmental Exposures Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics: (1) Predicting, detecting, preventing, or treating cold injuries in a below zero environment, (2) Improving medic/operator performance and forward surgical care, (3) Issues related to treating non-cold related casualties in a below zero environment, including hemorrhage control and forward use of blood products, and (4) Development of medical equipment or supplies suited to the extreme cold environment.
Force Health Protection: Research in Exposure and Risk Assessment Occupational and Environmental Exposures Service Members are frequently exposed to unique, complex, and potentially hazardous operational environments. This session will feature research to address occupational and environmental operational threats to Service Member health protection using toxicology, exposure science and applied scientific approaches. Abstracts should focus on: (1) Determining molecular and cellular responses associated with operational exposures, (2) Assessing occupational and environmental exposures using novel approaches, (3) Computational modeling of biologic systems to further risk prediction and chemical risk assessment tools.
Military Exposures and Subsequent Long-term Outcomes Occupational and Environmental Exposures Abstracts submitted to this session should address one or more of the following topics: (1) Logistical challenges to the consolidation of DoD and Veterans Administration data sources for studying long-term outcomes after military exposures, (2) Studies examining the impact of military exposures on chronic medical conditions (including, but not limited to, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer), and (3) Studies of military exposures and mental health outcomes.
Integrative Prevention Approaches to Decrease Harmful Behaviors and Increase Service Member Psychological Health, Readiness, and Performance Psychological Health and Resilience At the direction of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Service-level offices have shifted the way they approach prevention. No longer is prevention thought to exist within a slough or vacuum, but rather prevention is best approached by capitalizing on the shared risk and protective factors that impact multiple areas of military readiness. Abstracts should present data from research studies that advance knowledge in the promoting, sustaining, and optimizing Warfighter and family psychological health, performance and readiness by positively impacting multiple behavioral and psychological health outcomes and mitigating threats to Force readiness and retention. Research may include integrative preventive approaches and interventions focused on fostering protective environments, healthy climates, and relationships to decrease violent, abusive, and harmful behaviors. Outcomes of interest include, but are not limited to (1) Alcohol and substance use, misuse, and disorders, (2) Domestic abuse/Intimate partner violence, (3) Harassment (e.g., gender or racial discrimination, ostracism, retaliation), (4) Sexual violence (assault and harassment), (5) Suicide ideation and behaviors and non-suicidal self-injury, and 6) Psychological resilience.
Stress and Adjustment Disorders in Military Service Members Psychological Health and Resilience Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics: (1) Common stressors and their consequences in military Service members, (2) Prognosis and functional outcomes associated with adjustment disorders, (3) Management and treatment of stress and adjustment disorders.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Behavioral Health Interventions in Forward Locations for Non-Specialty Providers Psychological Health and Resilience From resource limitations, deployments to remote locations, and restrictions on air space for medical evacuation, medical personnel increasingly need to manage emergent behavioral health (BH) issues in theater with limited support from specialty providers. Abstracts should address guidelines for non-specialty providers on the following topics: (1) Risk assessment of emergent behavioral health conditions, (2) Behavioral health conditions in forward environments and recommended interventions, (3) Mapping of behavioral health assets, (4) In theater management of provider stress and burnout, (5) Tele-behavioral health options in forward settings, (6) Prolonged field care and medevac guidance for behavioral health conditions, (7) metrics and outcomes data for in theater assessment and management of BH conditions, and (8) Command Consultation, roles and responsibilities of non-specialty provider in forward locations.
Suicide Prevention Research Initiatives in DoD Psychological Health and Resilience Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics: (1) Suicide prevention research with short- or long-term objectives to understand, prevent, and treat military suicidality, (2) Efforts that target actionable policies and practices that reduce the military suicide rate, (3) Integrated psychological health research strategies to reduce suicides and deliver solutions to prevent/treat co-occurring psychological health problems, and (4) Research to deliver solutions that promote psychological health, protective factors and resilience to stressors.
Solutions to Promote Resilience and Mitigate Acute Stress in the Face of Trauma and Mass Casualty Events Psychological Health and Resilience Abstracts should address early intervention strategies to promote resilience and/or mitigate acute stress in the face of "Criterion A" trauma events or mass casualty events, ultimately intended to prevent degradation in Service members' performance of duties in the short term and to prevent chronic psychological health diagnoses over the long term. Topics should address any of the following: reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress, solutions for mitigating acute stress reactions immediately after trauma exposure, promoting resilience in the face of prolonged traumatic stressors, implementing resilience programs at the systems level, or interventions that sustain the psychological health of Health Care Personnel who respond to trauma/emergencies. Submissions should consider and discuss the challenges regarding trainability and the scalability of such solutions not only in garrison settings but also in deployed environments. Submissions should describe research design, methods, data analyses, and population(s) included in the study.
Novel Treatments, Strategies, and Technologies in Hearing and Balance Health Sensory Systems This session will discuss science and technology efforts to preserve fighting force readiness with respect to hearing and balance health. Abstracts submitted should address innovative technologies/strategies for hearing and balance: (1) Injury prevention, (2) Injury identification, and (3) Injury treatment with the goal of maintaining maximum readiness in Service Members.
Employment of Advanced Technologies For Integrated Health Monitoring and Geolocation for Training and Operations in Multi-Domain Environments Physiological Status Abstracts submitted to this session should address one or more of the following: (1) Clinically validated algorithms for relevant physiologic and environmental data valid in both general and high performance military personnel, in multiple military-relevant environmental conditions, (2) Next-generation technologies utilizing invasive, semi-invasive, and non-invasive mechanisms for precise physiologic and biologic function prediction, (3) Performance prediction based on physiologic data, (4) Data and device security concerns and applications or solutions, (5) Comparisons of commercial off-the-shelf vs. government off-the-shelf personal status monitor (PSM) advantages and disadvantages, (6) PSM ability to transition as medically-valid data collection device in injured personnel to provide decision aid for treatment in the field, (7) Real-time monitoring of large groups of dispersed personnel for accurate geolocation, and (8) Advanced data analytics for PSM on-device analytics (towards edge-computing) and back-end for after action reporting.
MHSRS 2022 Focus Area
Expeditionary Medicine
Breakout Session Topic Area Session Description
Blast, Blunt, Accelerative Exposure in Military Training Exercises Blast-related Injuries - Prevention, Mitigation and Treatment Blast, blunt, accelerative exposure is relatively unique to military Service Members and occurs most often during training exercises, with each individual exposure not generally sufficient to lead to a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the cumulative impact of repetitive sub-concussive blast exposure (RSBCE) can lead to symptoms similar to those of TBI. The relatively recent development and dissemination of sensitive blast gauge sensors, as well as novel blood biomarker assays and physiologic measures afford the opportunity to better understand and characterize RSCBE. This breakout will convey current applications of such technologies in military training exercises. Abstract submissions should address any of the following topics: (1) Efficacy of current safety precautions and personal protective equipment (e.g., helmets, body armor) for weapons, breaching charges, and events in different blast environments, (2) How features of the environment where blast overpressure (BOP) exposure or acceleration occurs may contribute to related changes in Service member health and performance, (3) How individual characteristics affect susceptibility to BOP-related performance decrements/injuries, (4) How occupational exposures to other blast effects (e.g., chemical substances) contribute to overall BOP-exposure, and (6) Results of assessments of physiologic assessments of performance.
Blast Overpressure and Acoustic Sensor, and PPE Effectiveness across Different Environmental Conditions Blast-related Injuries - Prevention, Mitigation and Treatment Abstracts should address: Effectiveness of current and next-generation personal protective equipment (helmet, vest, ear and eye protection), sensor technologies (blast and/or acoustic) performance, and accuracy evaluation in different environmental conditions, including but not limited to: altitude, temperature, humidity, underwater effects on exposure.
NDAA FY18 Sec 734 - The Longitudinal Medical Study on Blast Exposure of Members of the Armed Forces: Program Overview and Updates Blast-related Injuries - Prevention, Mitigation and Treatment This session will provide NDAA FY18 Section 734 program overview and updates on the longitudinal medical research study on blast overpressure exposure to Service members. There are five Lines of Inquiry (LOI): Surveillance, Weapon Systems, Exposure Environment, Blast Characterization, and Health and Performance. Abstracts may include any single and repetitive blast exposure investigation or study under any of the five LOIs. The first objective is to update DoD medical/nonmedical communities on the research application and analysis process, and to inform how NDAA FY18 Sec 734 will support the DoD Comprehensive Strategy and Action Plan for Warfighter Brain Health approach (vision, mission, goals, and objectives), including the development of a brain injury risk criteria to be used in health assessments to characterize and analyze blast over pressure and acceleration exposures. The second objective is to report on how NDAA FY18 734 activity feeds the development of a program of record for blast and medical data capture and use (including assessment of feasibility of moving blast data into Service member record). Abstracts may also include aspects of military occupational blast exposure related to neurological and general health risk as well as potential mitigation approaches following exposure in training and deployed environments.
Advances in Blast-Induced Neurotrauma and Battlefield Treatments Blast-related Injuries - Prevention, Mitigation and Treatment The purpose of this session is to present innovative preclinical and clinical research aimed at delivering novel pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic intervention strategies for blast-induced neurotrauma at the point of injury by medical and non-medical responders through Role 2/3 medical care. Focus should be on identifying pursuable therapeutic targets and/or the development of easy to use treatments with a low logistical burden to treat, manage, or prevent the progression of blast-related neuropathology (central or peripheral) and associated sequelae that can impair warfighter function under austere and/or prolonged care and/or mass casualty scenarios. Abstracts aimed at new therapeutics should include the known or proposed mechanism of action, feasibility of use on the battlefield, and its benefit to the Warfighter.
Military-Centric Therapeutic Strategies for Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis and Treatment This session will focus on innovative technologies, devices, and strategies to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the point of injury in austere environments. Abstracts should address at least one of the following topics: (1) Devices to mitigate intracranial pressure and/or reduce brain herniation from severe TBI, (2) Innovative drug delivery systems (i.e., transdermal, intranasal, nanoparticle and hydrogel-embedded drug delivery systems), and (3) Neurotherapeutic resuscitation strategies for TBI occurring in conjunction with polytrauma.
Acutely Administered Interventions for Battlefield Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis and Treatment The purpose of this session is to highlight novel treatment and management capabilities to be used in the prehospital environment. Specifically, the abstracts submitted should describe one of the following capabilities: (1) Prevent or mitigate the progression of brain injury, (2) Stabilize acute TBI casualties, (3) Improve the capability of first responders to perform triage and initiate treatment on injured Service members, and (4) Improve outcomes.
Battlefield Biomarkers for TBI: Diagnostic and Prognostic Indicators Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis and Treatment Biomarkers are promising objective diagnostic and prognostic indicators of dysregulation after traumatic brain injury (TBI); however, there is currently an incomplete understanding of the promising biomarker candidates, which has limited their use in clinical practice. The purpose of this session is to highlight research findings/developments of diagnostic and prognostic indicators for TBI of all severities. The abstracts submitted should address current gaps in knowledge by describing objective diagnostic strategies/technologies aimed at sub-phenotyping different TBI injuries. The usability and clinical interpretation of either novel devices that can be used to track biomarkers or technology-based performance assessments for TBI may also be discussed. Emphasis on the indicators/technologies that may be implemented in deployed or austere environments in the future is encouraged.
En route Care Innovation - Increasing Effectiveness of En Route Combat Casualty Care Enroute Care Abstracts should address the: (1) Capture and characterization of environment characteristics (temperature, pressure, vibration, etc.) of patient movement environments, (2) Impact of selected transportation environments on patient condition and outcome, and (3) Impact selected transportation environments on provider en route care task performance.
Novel Strategies for Treatment of Shock or Blood Failure: Blood and Blood Products Hemorrhage Control/Blood Products Abstracts should address: (1) Shock mitigation strategies, (2) Hemostasis and Coagulopathy, (3) Current and new directions of blood and blood products for treatment of shock-related trauma.
Cellular Therapeutics for Treatment of Shock and Trauma Hemorrhage Control/Blood Products Abstracts should address: (1) Cellular therapeutics for use in trauma indications, (2) Biology and mechanism of cellular therapeutics, (3) Current and new directions in cellular therapeutics, and (4) Cellular therapeutic processing and manufacturing.
Emerging Technologies for Treatment of Non-compressible Torso Hemorrhage Hemorrhage Control/Blood Products The purpose of this session is to present innovative preclinical and clinical research to enable critical care and casualty management capabilities for the treatment of non-compressible torso hemorrhage (NCTH). Areas of interest include simulation technologies (e.g., mixed, virtual, blended realities and holographic patient representation), autonomous technologies, and novel technologies for damage control and combat surgical care in a forward environment and for prolonged casualty management. Submissions can also address ways to minimize the logistical burden associated with NCTH capabilities to enable their use far forward. Abstracts should articulate how research outcomes would improve casualty care, specifically when hemorrhage control cannot easily be obtained in the torso region.
Advances in Prolonged Care Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care The purpose of this session is to present innovative preclinical and clinical research on materiel solutions to enable critical care and casualty management capabilities to be moved closer to the point of need to decrease mortality and morbidity during prolonged care scenarios. Prolonged care is inclusive of prehospital field care, austere/resource limited environments, littoral and sea based operations, and in theatre hospital environments where patients may be held prior to evacuation beyond doctrinal timelines. Areas of interest include novel technologies for damage control and combat surgical care in a forward environment, solutions to prevent and treat secondary injury and acute treatment sequelae, prolonged casualty management, and minimizing the logistical burden associated with prolonged care capabilities to enable their use far forward. Abstracts should articulate how solutions would improve casualty care, specifically when evacuation is delayed or unavailable, or in resource limited environments.
Point of Injury Care: From Bench to Battlefield Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Abstracts should address animal and human laboratory research that addresses gaps in EARLY life-saving interventions on the battlefield. This includes: Initial airway management, resuscitation, burn management, and extremity trauma. Work should address research into addressing point of injury (i.e., pre-surgical) trauma care.
Pathophysiology of Combined Traumatic Injury Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care An increase in combat scenarios spanning multi domain operations (MDO) will result in a multifaceted future battlefield and make casualty transport difficult. MDO identifies land, air, sea, space, and cyber threats that present unpredictable challenges associated with combat engagements. Providing care to clinically complex casualties presenting with any combination of mechanical trauma, thermal injury, radiological exposure, and/or contact with chemical and biological agents will require knowledge and training. However, there is limited information on these injury patterns, and an urgent need for collating what is known to identify knowledge gaps. Abstracts submitted to this session should highlight existing studies on the pathophysiology of polytrauma in order to inform both Clinical Practice Guidelines and knowledge/materiel gaps pertinent to combined injury.
Trauma Resuscitation and Critical Care on the Future Battlefield Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Effective lifesaving interventions and training are vital to warfighter morale as well as survival. This session will focus on advances in early trauma resuscitation, austere surgical care, and trauma team training, in particular training linked to real-world outcomes. This session aims to present trauma resuscitation and austere surgical advances tied to cutting edge training advances with innovative outcome research. Abstracts should address: studies on advances in early trauma resuscitation and austere surgical care, research on timing and capabilities in forward resuscitative and trauma care; and outcomes-based research on trauma team training from point of injury care to surgical team training. The first part of this session will focus on general trauma on the battlefield, with the second part of the session focusing on MASCAL capabilities, readiness, and advances that can aid in life support during MASCAL events.
Treatment Innovations for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Abstract should address at least one of the following: (1) Development of new treatment options for Acute Lung Injury (ALI)/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), and (2) Repurposing or optimization of existing drugs/therapies/interventions for use in ALI/ARDS (including, but not limited to, drug therapies, extracorporeal life support systems, mechanical ventilation).
What's New in Airway Science and Technology Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Abstracts should address: (1) Optimizing the practice of austere airway management practices, (2) Technology to enable minimally trained personnel to manage a difficult airway, and (3) Methods for optimizing outcomes after airway management is required.
Multi-Organ Dysfunction in Prolonged Field Care Scenarios Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Abstracts should address animal and human research aimed at diagnosing, preventing, or mitigating the progression of acute organ injury following combat-related trauma under prolonged care scenarios. Work should reflect the problem of maintaining a casualty in austere conditions under a delayed evacuation scenario rather than initial casualty care.
Advances in Craniofacial Trauma and Infections: Preventative, Reconstructive, Rehabilitative and Regenerative Strategies to Accelerate Return-to-Duty Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care Craniofacial traumatic injuries severely impact a Service Member’s ability to speak, swallow, breath normally and in many cases, their desire to be seen in public due to facial disfigurement. In addition, odontogenic infections down range are direct threats to Service Member’s lives and their mission. Currently, traditional reconstructive treatments require prolonged treatment times, which have significant psychosocial consequences. This session will highlight strategies that restore and accelerate the return of our Service Members to duty and prevent odontogenic emergencies. Abstracts submitted to this session should address the following topics: (1) Epidemiology of Warfighter craniofacial trauma, infections and dental emergencies that occur during deployments, (2) Craniofacial trauma and dental emergency prevention strategies, (3) Primary management of craniofacial trauma, (4) Reconstruction of craniofacial traumatic injuries, (5) Rehabilitation of craniofacial trauma patients (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Dentistry, Speech-Language Pathology, Respiratory Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Nursing, etc.), (6) Regenerative strategies for the craniofacial trauma patient, and (7) Application of technology in craniofacial trauma (CAD/CAM, navigation, tissue engineering, etc.)
Expeditionary Eye Care Forward Surgical Care/Prolonged Care This session will focus on innovative research initiatives addressing diagnostic and treatment strategies to prevent or mitigate ocular/vision-related sensory injuries in the deployed environment. Submitted abstracts should address one or more of the following topics: (1) The epidemiology of military-related sensory visual loss/dysfunction, (2) Preclinical and clinical research advancing diagnostic and treatment strategies to preserve or restore visual function, (3) Best practices or gaps in the current medical/surgical standard of care (i.e., clinical practice guidelines, practice recommendations, etc.) for the treatment of trauma related to the visual system in the contemporary operating environment (e.g., open globe injuries, blunt trauma, etc.), and (4) Preclinical and clinical research advancing diagnostic and treatment modalities for eye injuries related to various national defense strategy scenarios.

Projects related to the diagnosis and treatment of ocular/visual sensory injuries should address one or more of the following: a) The epidemiology of existing and anticipated injuries to the visual system in current (and potential) deployed settings, b) Current and anticipated impact on readiness, performance and return to duty, c) Diagnostic and/or treatment needs, research opportunities and strategies to prepare for future conflicts across the full operational spectrum, and d) resource constraints in the deployed environment in terms of medical expertise, equipment, or supplies.
Novel Interventions for Non-pharmacological Pain Management Pain Management An estimated 31 to 44 % of Active Duty Service Members experience chronic pain, commonly associated with musculoskeletal injuries that contribute to back pain and joint disorders. These pain conditions lead to reduced readiness and performance, and are barriers to force retention. The Military Health System (MHS) has undertaken significant efforts to improve pain management. Still, additional solutions are required to address pain-related conditions that degrade a warfighter's health, focus, and overall capabilities. Abstracts submitted to this breakout session should address: (1) Novel non-pharmacological pain management methods under evaluation within the MHS, (2) Integration of new interventions into existing pain management pathways, and (3) Opportunities to augment and enhance MHS capability in providing comprehensive pain management care.
Pain Management for the Future Fight Pain Management Abstracts should include one or more of the following: (1) Pain management strategies for patients without access or with limited access to skilled providers and resources on the battlefield and under prolonged care conditions, (2) Pain management strategies that address post-acute pain comorbidities and related mental status as well as complementary or integrative health treatment modalities that affect pain outcomes such as: reduction in pain intensity, reduction in analgesics or healthcare utilization, physical activity level, and recovery time, and (3) Evidence-based strategies for how to tailor pain management along the echelons of medical care for battlefield injuries.
Burn Injury Management in Theater Burn Injury This session presents preclinical and clinical solutions for burn injury management at the point of need - near point of injury through Role 3. Solutions provide easy to use tools, minimal logistical burden, and capability to stabilize the casualty and accelerate recovery following thermal, chemical, radiological and/or emerging weapons (e.g., hyperbaric, microwave) burn injury. Focus includes improved care under austere environments, prolonged care requirements across the continuum of care, and capability to expand care capacity in mass casualty events. Drugs/biologics, devices, novel clinical methodologies to optimize functional outcomes are sought. Priority abstracts will provide novel data addressing: burn wound progression; fluid resuscitation (non-invasive, reduced fluid requirement); advanced temporizing coverage or skin substitutes to reduce need for autograft; decision support to diagnostics/triage, assessing treatment efficacy.
Technologies and Approaches to Support Specialty Virtual Health in Denied, Intermittent, or Low-Bandwidth Communications Environments Operational Telemedicine Abstracts should address topics related to technology for delivering remote care (telemedicine, telementoring, and related concepts) in current and future multi-domain operations (MDO) environments. Topics include Virtual Health specialty solutions sets, including, but not limited to Behavioral Health and Ophthalmology. Topics may also include the use of advanced communications for delivery of remote medical capabilities in MDO when faced with prolonged care scenarios and/or large numbers of combat casualties expected during large scale combat operations where communication networks may not be available or have intermittent connectivity. Additionally, topics can also include technologies related to advanced clinical decision support systems for remote care, use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in remote environments, and technologies related to advanced user interfaces (such as virtual reality and/or augmented reality) for use in virtual health situations.
Advanced Decision Support and Automation Technologies to Support Combat Casualty Care in Future Multi-Domain Operations Medical Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Decision Support Operations Abstracts should address topics related to advanced medical technologies (decision support, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.) for assisting medical personnel operating in current and future multi-domain battlefields. Topics should focus on the use of these technologies to address capability gaps in prolonged care, management and care of patients in mass casualty situations, operations in dense urban environments, austere and resource constrained environments, advanced casualty triage, and advanced patient evacuation and movement. Topics include the use of decision support and artificial intelligence technologies to assist providers in better diagnosis and management of critical care patients, advanced medical robotic technologies to support damage control surgical interventions, technologies to leverage autonomous (open and closed loop) and unmanned systems for casualty care management and evacuation, and technologies to optimize medical logistics associated with combat casualty care in the battlefield. Topics also include technologies that provide for better interactions between users and computers/robots (man-machine teaming), advanced machine-vision technologies for the critical care environment, and use of virtual and/or augmented reality technologies for improved clinical decision support at the point of need.
MHSRS 2022 Focus Area
Warfighter Performance
Breakout Session Topic Area Session Description
Advances in Warfighter Nutrition Human Performance Optimization Abstracts should address the impact of military training and operations on dietary intake and nutritional status, as well as the potential physiological effects of nutrition/pharmacological interventions on Service Member health and performance.
Improving Sleep in the DoD: Investigations in Operational, Therapeutic, and Biomarker Strategies Human Performance Optimization Abstracts should address: (1) Approaches to objective monitoring of warfighter sleep, that incorporate fatigue, circadian, or glymphatic biomarkers, in relation to human performance, (2) Clinical initiatives to improve and optimize sleep in Warfighters, and (3) Novel neurophysiologic advances to improve and OPTIMIZE recuperation during sleep.
Innovative Technologies, Strategies, Models, and Analytical Tools for Predicting, Preventing, Tracking and Treating Musculoskeletal Injuries of the Warfighter Human Performance Optimization Abstracts submitted to this session should address one or more of the following: (1) Technologies being utilized for predicting musculoskeletal injuries (MSKIs) and risk of injury in military personnel, (2) Strategies being employed for screening personnel for MSKI risk based on demographic and military occupation data, (3) Devices and technologies for monitoring and predicting MSKI risk in training or deployed environments, (4) Analytical tools and MSK models for predicting and preventing sustained MSKIs in military populations, (5) Field studies and data collection for MSKIs in military populations in dismounted warfighters, (6) Evaluating and improving rehabilitation following musculoskeletal injury, (7) MSK models for optimizing warfighter performance and understanding injury mechanisms, and (8) Emerging opportunities for analysis of large datasets of relevant health and performance data of individuals who sustained MSKIs using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Learning (ML) frameworks.
Human and Machine Co-Learning Human Performance Optimization Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics: application/integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies for medical force training to enable (1) Intelligent tutoring and human-machine co-training, (2) Personalization of learning in support of the medical force training, and (3) methods to increase observability of human and machine team members
Addressing Sensory Illusions and Motion Sickness Human Performance Optimization Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics: (1) Sensory illusions/motion sickness case studies and/or research, (2) Contributing factors to sensory illusions/motion sickness, (3) Characterization of sensory illusions/motion sickness experiences, and (4) Sensory illusions/motion sickness countermeasures, to include training, engineering, controls and display design, medical, and technological interventions.
Ongoing Health Issues in Military High Performance Flight Human Performance Optimization Abstracts for this session should focus on: (1) Epidemiological studies that address one or more factors leading to ongoing health issues with aircrew (e.g., physiological episodes, chronic fatigue, musculoskeletal injury, etc.), (2) Laboratory and field studies characterizing the physiological, cognitive and psychological effects of aerospace operational stressors, and/(3) Mitigation strategies for maximizing aircrew availability and resiliency.
Undersea Training and Operational Research Discussion Panel Human Performance Optimization This panel will review and discuss current collaborations and related efforts addressing tri-service undersea medical and operational issues pertaining to the following topic areas: (1) Optimizing training for and operations in hyperoxic environments, including the mitigation and treatment of hyperbaric oxygen toxicity and decompression sickness, (2) Management of disabled submarine scenarios, including enhancing survival during escape and rescue operations, (3) Promoting safety and preventing performance decrements during cold-water operations, (4) Bioeffects of sound and blast on divers, (5) Undersea Warfighter selection, health, training, and performance as it pertains to diving, special operations, and submarine duties, and (6) Optimizing the transition of undersea research from the laboratory to the operational environment.
Wearables: Future Capability, Past Successes and Current Challenges in a Deployed Environment Human Performance Optimization Abstracts submitted to this session should address any of the following topics that are related to physiological monitoring algorithms or novel body-worn sensors (wearables) to include: (1) Recent successes of wearables in a deployed environment, with lessons learned, (2) Challenges of performing research/assessments utilizing wearables in a deployed environment; (3) Novel sensor or algorithm development to monitor or predict impending injuries/risk in a deployed environment associated with cold strain, fluid intake (e.g., under-hydration or overdrinking/hyponatremia), low blood oxygen (e.g., acute mountain sickness or respiratory compromise), gait abnormality (e.g., overloading, musculoskeletal overuse), and/or cognitive degradation due to fatigue or overload.
Optimizing Warfighter Visual Function in Austere Battlefield Environments Human Performance Optimization Abstracts submitted should address: (1) Human visual performance limitations within the Contemporary Operating Environment (COE): Vision, Glare, Photo-Stress/Laser Dazzle, Night Vision, (2) Technological solutions for optimization of vision within the COE, and (3) Human performance solutions for optimizing Warfighter vision: Training, Physiological, Psychological.
MHSRS 2022 Focus Area
Breakout Session Topic Area Session Description
Antimicrobial Development to Counter Wound Infections in Military Personnel Infectious Disease Prevention and Treatment Combat wound infections due to drug-resistant or multidrug-resistant organisms are on the rise in deployed military personnel. The focus of this session is on research leading to the development of (1) Rapid diagnostics, novel preventive and treatment strategies for combat wound infections and complications with multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens, (2) Strategies and technologies to diagnose, predict and prevent sepsis in a prolonged field care environment, and (3) Novel approaches to counter the threat of antibiotic-resistance through alternative treatment strategies and development of novel therapeutics.
Sepsis 360 - Early Detection and Treatment in the Operational Environment Infectious Disease Prevention and Treatment Abstracts submitted to this session should address novel methods of predicting, detecting, and/or treating sepsis in a resource limited environment or in the setting of a novel outbreak
Advances in Regenerative Medicine Therapies for Treatment of Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries: Enabling Enhanced Functional Outcomes Neuromusculoskeletal Injury Treatment Abstracts should address regenerative medicine centric approaches and products that provide innovative and effective solutions to enhance functional outcomes following neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) injury, including but not limited to: (1) Advances in the development and/or evaluation of regenerative medicine therapies which aim to facilitate improved functional outcomes following NMS injures, such as fracture healing, volumetric muscle loss, peripheral nerve injury, (2) Optimization of the wound healing environment to facilitate improved endogenous regeneration, (3) Strategies to enhance vascularization and/or innervation of tissues, whole systems approaches, and advanced solutions for functional regeneration of complex traumatic injuries, (4) Advances in the development of synergistic rehabilitative interventions that might enhance the biological and/or functional efficacy of regenerative medicine interventions (i.e., Regenerative Rehabilitation), including the optimization of the following parameters: therapeutic treatment window, dosing, frequency, intensity and/or duration of interventions, or (5) Advances in clinical translation and/or commercialization of regenerative medicine-based knowledge or materiel products.
Advancements in Prosthetic and Orthotic Technologies Neuromusculoskeletal Injury Treatment Abstracts should address any of the following topics: (1) Advancements in osseointegration, (2) Optimization of device prescription practices, (3) Restoration of biological function, (4) Advancements in device control.
Treatment Strategies Following Musculoskeletal Injury Neuromusculoskeletal Injury Prevention and Treatment Musculoskeletal injuries are highly prevalent among United States Service Members, and particularly among those with extremity injuries. In the near-term, musculoskeletal injuries adversely affect medical readiness. In the longer-term, these injuries can also adversely affect a warfighter's ability to return-to-duty and future musculoskeletal injury risks. Submissions to this session should focus on capabilities and strategies to facilitate rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injury and optimize retention on duty over the longer term.
Novel Clinical Assessments and Interventions for mild Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury--Post Injury Management Abstracts submitted to this session should address methods and results of clinical studies addressing: (1) Diagnostic and biomarker assays of cognitive performance following TBI, (2) Novel application of technologies to improve the diagnosis, classification, prognosis, and/or treatment of aspects of brain function following TBI.
MHSRS 2022 Focus Area
Associate Sessions
Breakout Session Topic Area Session Description
Biomedical Manufacturing For Warfighter Treatment Needs Abstracts should address (identify problems/propose solutions for): (1) Specific manufacturing issues that impact therapeutic development and commercialization, (2) Technologies that can address manufacturing gaps in the following areas: Raw Materials (e.g., Cells, Biomaterials, Reagents), Equipment and Software (e.g., Sensors, Bioreactors), Automation, Measurement and Data Management (e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Analytical techniques), Preservation, Transport and Storage, Processes and Quality Systems, and (3) Development of Quality by Design processes for identification and validation of Critical Quality Attributes and the Critical Process Parameters that influence them.
Improving Warfighter Readiness and Performance through Health Services Research Health Services Research (HSR) is often considered a strictly academic discipline, but is surprisingly relevant to the readiness and performance of our Warfighters. Recently presented examples include reassessing the new hypertension guidelines to preserve readiness of Naval aviators and aircrew, examining post-traumatic stress syndrome incidence among Active Duty service members, and investigating risk factors for back injury among Navy and Marine Corps personnel. HSR is also used to determine the readiness of the medical force through assessment of KSAs and similar measures. This panel presents abstracts on the topic of HSR for improving readiness, in areas such as risk assessment, incidence or prevalence of conditions, impact of national guideline changes, maintenance of KSAs for providers, and other related areas.
Predictive Analytics across the Military Health System This session will focus on discussing the latest efforts across the MHS that leverage longitudinal medical data, machine learning (ML), and advanced predictive analytics to estimate risk factors related to medical readiness, high-risk conditions (e.g. suicidal behaviors), high-utilizers, likelihood of developing psychological conditions, and other patient attributes. This session reflects a partnership between the DoD Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA), and will open with a review of the latest policies that focus on accelerating DoD’s adoption and integration of AI capabilities to ensure a medically-ready force. Abstracts and presentations will address: (1) predictive analytics to estimate the onset of new high-risk conditions, (2) analytics to predict medical readiness, and (3) predictive models to support Service members during periods of transition. Session participants will learn about the significant ongoing research using ML/AI and predictive analytics across the MHS.
Precision Medicine Research: Optimizing Warfighter Healthcare, Readiness, and Return to Duty Submissions for this session will address large scale genomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic data in day-to-day military medical practice and precision medicine research (consent, sample collection, sequencing, interpretation, report generation, report disclosure, follow up care, and research and education opportunities)
Research Investigations on Implementation of Novel Learning and Education Training Strategies to Improve Readiness for Battlefield Care Abstracts should explore the role of graduate medical education and other training programs to engage clinicians in the many facets of the readiness mission to include: (1) Prospective research defining new innovations in medical training strategies and modalities; (2) The role of military specific clinical training curriculum to enhance military readiness; (3) Identifying military relevant scholarship and research opportunities within education programs; (4) Research investigating relevant training platforms for the next generation of clinicians to provide best care on the battlefield, including digital training. The session will feature senior education leaders on approaches to education/research that align with the readiness mission and abstracts will describe a more focused approach and experiences of clinician scientists as both end users and innovators of usable solutions with military relevance to ensure the best care of patients.
Update on Women's Health Abstracts should address the following key areas of interest: (1) Health topics with a sex- or gender-difference analysis that impact deployment readiness and performance of military personnel; (2) Treating chronic health conditions that return women to duty, and/or (3) Improved obstetric and postpartum care for Active Duty women.