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Abstract Review Process

Upon receipt, the abstract will be binned according to the Breakout Session selected by the submitter on the abstract submission form. For each of the MHSRS Breakout Session, a tri-Service committee of subject matter experts within that field will review and score the abstract.

Each abstract will be scored on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the highest and 5 the lowest score) for clarity and relevance in each of these three areas:

  • Quality of the written abstract. (1) Research focused abstracts should contain a Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions section; (2) Product development focused abstracts should be formatted as: Introduction, Capability Description, Methods/Technical Approach, Results, Applicability to Medical Roles of Care, Impact to the Warfighter/Significance, Developmental Status of the Technology.
  • Scientific rationale/Technical approach/Methods.
  • Significance of the results/Impact to the warfighter

Abstracts are rank ordered according to the sum of their scores. After considering the scores, individual reviewer recommendations, and comments from committee discussion, the Abstract Review Lead will nominate the best reviewed abstracts for either an oral plenary or breakout session presentation, a poster presentation, or for the Young Investigator Competition. Submissions to the Young Investigator Competition not selected to go forward to the next level of review will be considered for an oral breakout or poster presentation within that Breakout Session. Abstracts will also be considered for "poster presentation only", if requested by the submitter.

Questions concerning the Abstract Review Process should be directed to: