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- You are required to sign in to the MHSRS web site in order to submit an award online.
- MHSRS award winning individuals and teams are not eligible for re-submission for 3 years post-award.
- ATTENTION USU Nominations – Select the Military Category for Individual and Team Awards.
- The award will be assessed against the criteria for the award category selected by the award submitter.
- Do not submit the same write-up in multiple submission categories. Only the submission with the most recent upload date will be considered.
Submission form information
- Submitter
- Nominee
- For team packages, the "Nominee" should be
the Team Lead
- Award Category (choose from the dropdown menu)
- Read the award criteria for the nomination category.
Awards are determined on the strength of the narrative nomination, and how well that
narrative addresses the stated award criteria for that category.
For example, narratives in the category for Outstanding Researcher should not consist of a running list
of career accomplishments. This award is focused on research impact within the last year.
- Research Category (choose from the dropdown menu)
- For Distinguished Service and Warfighter Medical Research Public Communication Award nominees, choose any of the selections from the dropdown.
- For all other awards, review MHSRS research categories and select the best fit.
- Award Summary of Accomplishments: Limit 100 words
- The summary of accomplishments is a succinct
summary of why this individual/team is receiving
this award. It should be suitable for reading
from the podium when the award is announced.
This is NOT a running list of publications. It
should be not more than 1 paragraph or 3-5
sentences long.
- Nomination Narrative: Limit 1,500 words
- Many submitters/nominators choose to
upload peer reviewed articles to support their
narrative. Be aware that no supplementary
materials are accessed as part of the package
review. Awards are determined on the strength of
the narrative nomination, and how well that
narrative addresses the stated award criteria.